[Referred February 7, 1809]
To the President, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the
U. States in Congress assembled.
The petition of the inhabitants of Washington County in the Miss Terr
respectfully showeth, that Since the 3rd of March 1807 (to which time
the right of Preemption to settlers on publick lands are limited by law)
a large number of emigrants have come in expecting the sales would
have been open so as they could have purchased lands to settle on,
and many of them were ignorant of the restrictions of the law against
settling the publick lands until their arrival in this Territory, in
addition the immigration daily increasing its likely that in a very few
months the majority of our population will be emigrants settled on the
publick lands lately Ceded by the Choctaw Indians to the U. States, who
have had no other alternative but to settle on these lands or abandon
their Country, (for whoes laws and gov’t they are ready to risque their
lives & fortunes) and settle in Florida or beyond the Sebean.
These emigrants which have and are daily arriving are almost
indiscriminatily [sic] real American Citizens well attached to the
present Govrnment [sic] and administration of the U. States and your
petitioners are firmly persuaded that the settling and strengthening of this
quarter by such citizens will prove highly adventageous both to the U.
States and this Territory, wherefor your petitioners pray that a right
of preemption may be allowed the settlers on publick lands, to be
denied which previledge would be a hardship, bordering on Cruelty as the
lands settled are not of greater value than the ordinary price unless
where rendered so by by the labour and indusry of the settlers -- your
petitioners also pray that the free navigation of mobeal may be secured
may be secured as we have to pay toa foreign sovreign 12 PC import
and same for exporting past that place from one to another american
port, and as in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray.
Jno Caller
E. Lewis
Thomas Bates Jur
Joseph Bates
Isaac Bates
J. F. McGrew
Jno McGrew Ser
John McGrew Jur
Wm McGrew
Leven Hainsworth
James Hainsworth
Wm Coleman
John Wamack
Wm Wamack
John Wamack Ser
David Dupre
Howell Dupre
Wm Hunt
William Nail
Saml Hough
William Standly
Stephen Standly
John Cosby
Jno Walker
Joel Walker
Tandy Walker
Richard Stiggins
John Stidham
John Allen
Peter Allen
George Wells
John Vinsant
James Huckaby
Wiley Hucaby
Thos Page
Richard Hucaby
Ambrose Miles
Edwin Miles
Robert Wells
Jacob Ray
Simon Andrews
John Chastang
William Thornton
James Barker
Jacob Tooddy (or Toaddy)
Loyd Wales
Simon Brunston
Jacob Brunston
Levi Stone
Robert Callier
John Campbell
Henry Quin
John Rogers
James Tayton
Thomas Loften
William Loften
Samuel Loften
Andrew Loften
hugh Quin
John Landrum
Robert Ellison
Silas Pace
John Pace
Samuel Pacely
David Branham
Henry Beard
Jeremiah Walker
John Walker
John Ackridge
Joab Gains
Lewis Portagee
William Gains
Elijah Genry
James Gentry
Isaac Luker
Joseph Thompson
John Johnston Senor
John Johnston Juner
Danl Johnston
Joseph Stiggins
John Randon
Saml Mims
David Mims
Thos J. Strong
Ephraim Barker
Wiley Barker
W. H. Hartgrave
Jams Scott
William Carter
Thos Sullivant
Owen Sullivant
Thos Sullivent Juner
Adam Hollinger
Wm Malvin
Aaron B Procter
Amos Reed
James Simmons
Elisha Simmons
James Caller
Robert Hawkins
James Drips
Jno Molton
L Davis
Wm Ellis
J Hane
John Denen
James Armer
Jonas Mott
Love Mott
Natheniel Ross
Wm Brannon
Peter Malone
Daniel Whitehead
John Brewer Senr
John Brewer Junr
Wm Hammilton
Michael Eplert
George Dicky
John McGaughey
Henry Snelgrove
George Johnston
James Griffin
Ivey Melone
James Morgan
Elisha Morgan
James Taylor
John Williams Senr
Wm Williams
Simon Williams
Hiron Williams
William Williams Junr
John Lott
Robert Lott
Jesse Lott
Luke Lott
Jamed Herald
Samue Newton
William Newton
Abram Phillips
Henry Chance
Stephn Clary
Gordon Richardson
Joel Stidham
James Jordan
Thos Basset
William Gillum
Charles Deverix
Thos Graves
Benjamin Baldwin
William Baldwin
Mordica Baldwin
William Rogers
Wm Murrell
Rawley Greene
Clarke McGrew
Charles Murrells
John McFarling
Thos Smith
Isaac Farres
John Mills
James Mills
John Himon
Joseph P Kenedy
Cornelious Rain
William Shaw
Mathw Shaw
Joseph Shaw
Caleb Stone
Jno Welch
Robet Welch
Nicholas White
Archibald White
Denis Bradford
Wm Hollinger
Jonas Tarrow
Jacob Conaway
John Holcroft
William Webb
Thomas Scugs (Reading uncertain)
Aaron Trimble
Thomas Oliver
Solomon Johnton
James Howard
Arthur Kiillinsworth
Tos Boils
James Tedford
Thos Frazer
William Cochran Senr
Cheadle Cochran
James Cochan
William Milstead
Joseph Milstead
Francis C. Simpson
John Sutton
Isaac Rollans
James Boone
William Walker
Nathaniel Walker
David Stokes
Josiah Jones
Andrew Moore
Kalip Bazor
Edward Bazor
George Moore
William Moore
John Milstead
Abram Milstead
Thos Milstead
David Gains Senr
David Gains Junr
Jno Pollard
Lemuel Henry
Natt Christmas
R. S. Bryan
Jno Abner
Isaac Ryan
Wm Buford
John Buford
Theodorw Brightwell
James Griffin
Hiram Mounger
John Dennelly
James Dennelly
Jno Stacions
Jacob Felps
James Reede
Richard Barrow
George Weekly
John Weekly
Buford Weekly
Henry B. Slade
Joseph Wilson
James Farr
Thos Bates Senr
Jno Deane
P. James
George Brewer
Arthur Patton
Noah C. Hutson
Frances Boykin
Wm Bowling
Solomon Boykin
James Reaves
George Hutson
Richard Derbey
William Reaves
James Patton
Joseph Patton
Alexander Mcintosh
Thos Sumrall
Samson Mungar
Harris Mungar
Jas Procter
Jordan Procter
Wm Webber
John Mungar
Luke Patrick
Wm Ramsey
Jas Dupriest
Micajah Wall
John Young
Isom Phillips
John Phillips
James Thomas
Burrel Perry
Wich Watley
Tisdel Watley
Jorden Morgan
Ned Gatlin
James Holmes
Lockland Mccoy
Malichi Odom
John Smith
Kinchen Boykin
John Allen
William Russel
Geo Gullets
T Bilbo
Will Cochran
Thos Evans
Walter Woodyard
John Rhoeds
Francis Stringer
[Endorsed] Petition of sundry inhabitants of Washington county in the
Mississippi Territory.
7th February 1809. So much of the petition as relates to the right of
preemption to settlers on the public lands ref’d to the com’ee on the
Public lands; and so much as relates to the navigation of the Mobile
ref’d to the Secretary of State Mr Macon ref’d lands part--
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